26 Aug 2009 [07:44h]     Bookmark and Share

The world’s longest golf course is set to open in Australia. It is so large that it will cover 2 time zones and golfers will have to drive between the holes. The area of the course will be equivalent to the entire area of Britain.

If you are a fan of golf then a project in the west and south of Australia to build the world’s longest golf course would surely tickle your interest. However, if you are an avid fan of pleasantly strolling around the course from hole to hole, then forget it. On the 18-hole, par 72 course Nullarbor Links course (, there will be more driving than walking taking place. The course covers two time zones and stretches 1,365 kilometers from Kalgoorlie in Western Australia to Ceduna in South Australia. Almost each town in the area has a hole to be proud of. The official course opening will be marked by a four-day event starting in Ceduna on October 22, and finishing in Kalgoorlie five days later. The $640,000 project was partially funded by the Australian government, which surely knows that visitors and golf fans will be pouring in from all over the globe to feel an experience of such a giant spectacle. The course is not only going to draw a lot of attention due to its size, yet it will also be a wonder for nature enthusiasts. Australia has a lot to offer in this area anyway without the need for building, yet some of the holes are going to be quite special. Some 100ft. high eucalyptus trees are the largest in Australia and are to be part of the course. Not all of the course will be natural, as synthetic tees and synthetic greens have already been scattered around.The popularity of Nullarbor Links is already evident in the fact that it has achieved 15,000 hits in its first few days of being online. Perhaps the very enticing price of $40 per round is a good marketing ploy. However, golfers should not forget the amount they are sure to spend on petrol.


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