US Airways Announces Intention to Seek Bogota, Colombia – Charlotte, N.C. Service

30 Okt. 2007 [12:31h]     Bookmark and Share

Proposed route will be the airline’s first service to South America

TEMPE, Ariz., — US Airways (NYSE: LCC) said today it would apply for daily service between its hub in Charlotte, N.C., and Bogota, Colombia when the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) begins selecting carriers for 21 new flights to the South American nation.

„We applaud the Department of Transportation’s success in securing new frequencies between the U.S. and Colombia,“ said Doug Parker, US Airways chairman and CEO. „Colombia is a very attractive market for US Airways and fits perfectly into our commitment to grow our international service.

„As a rapidly growing city with a vibrant economy Charlotte is primed for international expansion. With current service to 24 destinations in Latin America and the Caribbean, expanding our reach to South America is a logical step.“

Details such as schedule, equipment and start date will be announced when the DOT institutes a carrier selection process.

„We have always received exceptional support in Charlotte from the management at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, elected officials, the business community and our loyal customers. We look forward to working together as we secure the necessary DOT approval for the new service,“ concluded Parker.

„Charlotte is a natural fit for a new international route to Bogota, as we both are growing centers of banking, international finance, commerce, energy, and engineering. I am delighted that US Airways has chosen to make Charlotte a gateway for its first South American expansion,“ said Charlotte Mayor Patrick McCrory.

Charlotte is US Airways‘ largest hub in terms of daily flights — 526 — and nonstop destinations at 114. Customers throughout the United States will have easy, one-stop connection to Colombia with this proposed service.

US Airways is the fifth largest domestic airline employing more than 36,000 aviation professionals worldwide. US Airways, US Airways Shuttle and US Airways Express operate approximately 3,500 flights per day and serve more than 230 communities in the U.S., Canada, Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America. US Airways is a member of the Star Alliance network, which offers our customers 16,000 daily flights to 855 destinations in 155 countries worldwide. This press release and additional information on US Airways can be found at (LCCG)


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