Unitpool select Ultra Electronics Airport Systems as long term Uldtracking System partner

28 Nov 2008 [14:20h]     Bookmark and Share

Following a thorough review and RFP process Unitpool have signed a 7 year deal with Ultra Electronics Airport Systems.

Zurich, Switzerland – Under the terms of the contract Ultra will develop a brand new purpose built ULD Pooling Management system with features and functionality to an agreed specification. The product will be exclusive to Unitpool and will use the most modern technology ensuring that the system can be expanded and extended as required by fast moving developments in tracking technology.

Unitpool has an existing relationship with Ultra, as the current UltraULD Tracker 3 system is supplied and managed by Ultra. Unitpool can continue to fully depend upon the existing Tracker 3 system throughout the design and development phases.

David Harman, CEO of Unitpool, commented, „The professionalism of the Ultra team impressed us throughout the selection process. Now that we have signed and the project has kicked off, the choice has already been vindicated. It is rare that an IT provider truly takes the time to understand the problems of the front line users, and even rarer to deliver interim enhancements on their own initiative.“

Graeme Stacey, Managing Director of Ultra Electronics Airport Systems, commented, „Ultra is delighted to have secured this new 7 year deal with Unitpool, building on the long-standing and excellent relationship between our two companies. We look forward to delivering further ground- breaking enhancements that will cement Unitpool’s lead in the ULD Management and Pooling industry. This project demonstrates Ultra’s capability as an application provider and global reach to support leading companies in the Ground Handling domain.“

Roll out of the new system is anticipated as being in the third quarter of 2009

  • Palma.guide

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