Travel Impressions, the largest American tour operator at the Gran Meliá Puerto Rico

09 Dez. 2009 [08:52h]     Bookmark and Share

Palma de Mallorca, 27 November, 2009.- The most important event in the US tourism industry, the ‘Best of the Best’ organised by Travel Impressions, attracted more than 410 participants including important US travel agents to the Gran Meliá Puerto Rico.

Palma de Mallorca, Travel Impressions entrusted Sol Meliá Hotels & Resorts with partnership and co-organisation of the workshops that took place over the three day event on the Caribbean island.


‘Best of the Best’ was attended by Steve Gorga, President/CEO of Travel Impressions and American Express Vacations, and Claire Bennett, Senior Vice President & General Manager of American Express Travel. The governor of Puerto Rico, the honourable Luís Fortuño, also expressed his gratitude to Travel Impressions for having held the event at the Gran Meliá Puerto Rico.


Gran Meliá Puerto Rico is located on the Miniquillo de Rico Grande peninsula on Coco Beach and offers magnificent facilities in breathtaking and idyllic surroundings. This 5 star deluxe hotel provides 486 junior suites, 48 Royal Service suites, a family concierge suite, 5 exclusive large villas and a presidential villa. Any dream may come true at the Gran Meliá Puerto Rico



About Sol Meliá


Sol Meliá was founded in 1956 in Palma de Mallorca (Spain) and is the world’s leading resort hotel chain, as well as Spain’s leading hotel chain in both the business and leisure markets. It currently provides more than 300 hotels in 28 countries on 4 continents under its brands: Gran Meliá, Meliá, ME, Innside, Tryp, Sol, Paradisus and Sol Meliá Vacation Club.


Sol Meliá is the hotel company with the greatest number of properties in the exclusive club of “The Leading Hotels of the World” (seven hotels). In 2006, the “Corporate Reputation Institute” of New York ranked the company amongst the corporations with the best reputation in the world, the leading hotel company and the second highest ranked company in the travel industry. Sol Meliá is the only travel company included in the exclusive “Footse4Good Ibex” Spanish stock market index, and is the third ranked company in Spain amongst companies which generate the greatest degree of confidence and in the top three hotel chains for reputation.


The company currently employs more than 34,000 people worldwide with staff from over 80 different countries. The company fully respects equal rights and balance in its contracting of male and female staff and 10% of its workforce is made up of immigrants.


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