THETRADESHOW Announces Social Media Seminars for 2010

07 Juli 2010 [10:50h]     Bookmark and Share

Social media continues to be the hot topic, and while many people have jumped on the bandwagon, there are still those looking to learn more, especially when it comes to utilizing these new tools to grow their business.

Alexandria, VA – Social media continues to be the hot topic, and while many people have jumped on the bandwagon, there are still those looking to learn more, especially when it comes to utilizing these new tools to grow their business. This year, THETRADESHOW (Orlando Sept. 12-14) has lined up a full array of seminars, covering everything from YouTube marketing to the basics of blogging.
“The growth of social media and evolution of technology provides new opportunities for travel agencies to connect with their customers in an online environment,” said Brian Houser, vice president/Customer Marketing for Sabre Travel Network. “Social media communities can have a strong influence on travel decisions, so agencies looking to stay relevant and competitive should explore how they can leverage these new tools to attract new customers, drive greater customer loyalty and differentiate their brand. Travel agencies can learn more about how to create and maintain a strong social media presence at THETRADESHOW sessions and by stopping by the Sabre Travel Network booth and visiting with our experts.”
Topics for training include:
Building Blocks for Facebook Fan Pages. Presented by Chelle Yarbrough, CTC. This hands-on class will provide attendees with the tools they need to turn Facebook into a powerful medium for attracting new customers—even better than traditional Web sites. In this class attendees will learn how to: build a basic fan page; edit their profile photo; connect third-party applications such as Twitter, their blog or calendars; and engage their visitors and fans to spread their message.
(For maximum benefit, attendees should already be signed up for Facebook and bring their user name and password to the class.)
Advanced Facebook Tips and Tricks. Presented by Chelle Yarbrough, CTC. Facebook’s built-in profiling system provides a marketing edge that no other system offers. Because every user who signs up for Facebook must provide demographic information, marketers are able to zero in on their target market and hit them with the right offer at the right time. In this session, attendees will be introduced to the world of FBML – Facebook MarkUp Language – which allows for the addition to a Facebook page of completely customized pages and features such as YouTube videos, calendars and booking engines. Participants will learn how to: add YouTube videos and other media to the page; customize a welcome page, bypassing „The Wall“ and making your page stand out; and connect advanced applications such as booking engines to your page. 
(For maximum benefit, attendees should already be signed up for Facebook and bring their user name and password to the class.)
Turn Your Website into a Virtual Money Machine. Presented by Tom Ogg. Interested in taking your Web page to the next level? Learn how to build organic traffic, develop strong and unique content, increase your standing on Google and close sales. Key discussion points include: ways to update your Web site; optimizing your Web site for search engines such as Google; quick and easy content building; ten strategies to out-market the competition; turning “lookers” to “buyers;” and analyzing your site’s performance and profitability.
The Power of YouTube and Video Marketing. Presented by Adam Lapsevich. Video is one of the most powerful marketing tools. Travel agents who attend this seminar will leave knowing how to: set up their own YouTube channel; add video content to their YouTube channel and other areas of their marketing mix; and use video as an e-mail marketing tool.
Blogging 101 – How to Start a Blog and Use it for Your Business. Presented by Bryan Alaspa
The phenomenon of blogging is still relatively new, however, it has pervaded nearly every part of the Internet and is here to stay. This session will provide attendees with the critical tools they need to create a blog that will work. Attendees will learn: why businesses should use a blog; what issues must be considered before writing that first sentence; how to select a topic as well as the right blogging format; write that first blog entry and build an audience. Alaspa will share success stories as well as potential pitfalls and offer participants suggested next steps.
Blogging 201 – So, You’ve Started to Blog, Now What? Presented by Bryan Alaspa. Targeted at those who have entered the world of blogging, this advanced-level course teaches attendees how to find and keep their audience; what the savvy blogger can do to keep content fresh; how to build an archive and add pages to a blog site.
LinkedIn 101 – How to Create a Linked-In Profile. Presented by Kate Koziol. When it comes to social media and its applications for business, the one word heard over again is LinkedIn. Those new to social and online networking will learn about LinkedIn and how it differs from other social media sites, as well as why joining is a smart move. Among the topics covered will be creating a LinkedIn profile, joining groups and participating in discussions.
LinkedIn 201 – Advanced Linked-In Techniques. Presented by Kate Koziol. This seminar takes a deeper journey into the heart of LinkedIn and examines how the site can be used to further one’s business and expand their network. Those looking to up their LinkedIn skills will learn to expand their network; choose what discussions to participate in or start their own discussion; find the right group to join or create one of their own; add applications to their profile and more.
A variety of registration packages, ranging from $35 to the Best Value Package at $109 are available. For more information on these packages or to register, visit The Best Value Package includes registration to THETRADESHOW, as well as the VIP Perks Package, eLearning Center access and RTLS registration. Agents unable to attend THETRADESHOW, but who would like to experience THETRADESHOW educational program through the eLearning Center without the live networking opportunities or Best Value Package, can purchase a virtual-only registration for $99.
THETRADESHOW is created and supported by the travel industry’s leading organizations, including: ASTA, ACTA, AirTran, ATA, CLIA, ETOA, IGLTA, IIPT, Las Vegas CVB, NACTA, NBTA, NTA, Orlando CVB, Tourism Cares, Travel Professionals of Color, WRTA, The Travel Institute, U.S. Travel Association and USTOA. Official media partners are: Agent@Home, eTurboNews, JaxFax, Mail Pound, Recommend, TravelAge West, Travel Channel, Travel Press, TravelPulse, TRO, Travel Weekly, USA Today and Vacation Agent.
THETRADESHOW (Travel Retailing and Destination Expo) is a 3-day, in-depth networking and educational event. Global and inclusive, THETRADESHOW unites under one roof travel suppliers and buyers from all over the world, representing every segment of the travel and tourism industry. It is the trade show event for travel decision makers. For more information on THETRADESHOW, please call visit


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