TAM firms partnership with Pássaro Marron to sell airline tickets in Bus Stations

31 März 2011 [08:55h]     Bookmark and Share

TAM firms partnership with Pássaro Marron to sell airline tickets in Bus Stations

TAM firms partnership with Pássaro Marron to sell airline tickets in Bus Stations

Our stores will offer Pássaro Marron’s bus tickets combined with airline tickets

São Paulo – We established an unprecedented partnership, which allows us, to sell airline tickets in bus stations, through Pássaro Marron agencies, an inter-city and inter-state bus transportation company, present in 50 cities in the States of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. In consideration, TAM franchise network stores, present in all Brazilian States will offer bus tickets of Pássaro Marron combined with airline tickets.
 „The partnership is innovative, as it widens the possibilities of access to airline tickets directed to emerging classes, combined with the transportation through bus to sections involving cities without airports“, affirms Manoela Amaro, TAM’s Marketing Director. „This is another initiative which materializes our message to passengers who just got started in the aviation market, that „TAM is for everyone“, created in the launching of TAM’s retail market project, in last year’s August“, she explains.
The agreement started today (24), upon the implementation of the pilot project, through which Pássaro Marron Agency in the Bus Station of São José dos Campos, in countryside São Paulo, will sell TAM’s airline tickets and tourism packages. At the same time, TAM Viagens Stores in Rua Augusta, 1846, in São Paulo, and at Avenida Francisco José Longo, 485, in São José dos Campos, will offer bus-tickets related to the partnership.
After the three-month trial period of the pilot project, we plan to extend the partnership to other bus station where Pássaro Marron holds agencies, which will also sell our airline tickets. Likewise, all stores of TAM Viagens franchise network will sell bus-tickets of Pássaro Marron.
TAM is currently negotiating with other bus companies operating in other regions of the country, aiming to increase its capillarity and ease access to the emerging classes to air-travelling in all the country.
Picture: Edgar Delmont

  • Palma.guide

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