Mehr zum Thema "Singapore Ailrines"

Singapore Air was ranked as the best airline for flying Business Class


According to a market analysis, Singapore Air offers the best Business Class experience globally. The site bases its conclusions on a study that compared offerings by different carriers. In the study, the airliner scored 9.57 out of 10 for its business class service quality. “Singapore Air has a fifty-year-old tradition of guaranteeing its customers […]

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Flüge in der mehrfach ausgezeichneten Singapore Airlines Business Class ab 1.824 Euro nach New York und ab 1.928 Euro nach Asien


Wer schon immer einmal davon geträumt hat, in der erstklassigen und bereits mehrfach ausgezeichneten Business Class von Singapore Airlines zu reisen, hat nun die Gelegenheit dazu.

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