Mehr zum Thema "January"

TAM has international market share of 84.4% in January


TAM announces operating data for January 2009, as disclosed by the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) today.

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GOL Announces Traffic Statistics for January 2009


GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. Brazil’s low cost airline, released preliminary passenger statistics for the month of January 2009.

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Delta Air Lines Reports January Traffic


Delta Air Lines today reported January 2009 traffic results for both Delta and Northwest operating units.

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Continental Airlines Reports January 2009 Operational Performance


Continental Airlines today reported a January consolidated (mainline plus regional) load factor of 73.2 percent, 3.6 points below the January 2008 consolidated load factor, and a mainline load factor of 74.0 percent, 3.4 points below the January 2008 mainline load factor.

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Southwest Airlines Reports January Traffic


Southwest Airlines Co. (NYSE: LUV) announced that the Company flew 5.2 billion revenue passenger miles (RPMs) in January 2007, an 8.8 percent increase from the 4.8 billion RPMs flown in January 2006.

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