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Iberia is listed on the world’s most prestigious market indexes of companies showing corporate responsibility. The latest of these, the FTSE4Good IBEX, created by Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) and the company that provides indexes to the FTSE Group.
The request for immunity from anti-trust legislation filed by Iberia and some of its partners in the oneworld airline alliance –American Airlines, British Airways, Finnair, and Royal Jordanian– has won the backing of numerous consumer groups, business associations, airports and federal authorities, state governors and city mayors throughout the United States, who have sent letters […]
Iberia has implemented a severe contingency plan in response to the steep decline in demand and revenues, after posting a loss of 92.6 million euros in the first quarter of 2009.
Iberia bietet für 19 neue internationale Ziele den Service des Online Check-In an, das heißt die Möglichkeit, die Bordkarte über die Iberia Internetseite auszustellen.
Iberia today reported its 2008 results to Spain’s CNMV securities market authority, showing that the Spanish airline earned a profit of 32 million euros in the year, one of the most difficult in recent memory, making it the 13th consecutive year of positive results for the company.
In 2008 Spain’s Iberia Airlines carried a total of 121 human organs for transplants on its regular flights, in collaboration with the National Transplant Organisation (ONT) with which it has a standing agreement.
All Iberia flights will take off and land at the refurbished T-3, including Madrid and Barcelona flights operated by British Airways and clickair flights to/from Spanish cities. / Eight airline members of the oneworld alliance will use the same Heathrow terminal, facilitating connections.
In the past year travellers in Iberia’s exclusive intercontinental Business Plus savoured more than 230,000 bottles from Spain’s most favoured wine-growing regions, 172,000 reds and 60,000 whites.
La compañía se ha apretado el cinturón, y ofrece tarifas para vuelos en Península, Baleares y Melilla a 19 euros por trayecto, a Canarias y Europa por 39 euros por trayecto, a los Estados Unidos por 119 euros por trayecto, a San Juan de Puerto Rico, La Habana, Santo Domingo, Bogotá y Johannesburgo a 149€ […]
New service to be launched in July / Two weekly return flights, on Saturdays and Sundays / The Spanish airline will also operate flights to Dubrovnik his summer
Los vuelos se iniciarán en julio / La compañía operará dos frecuencias semanales, los sábados y domingos / Junto con sus vuelos a Dubrovnik, también programados en temporada de verano, Iberia potenciará su presencia en ese país
In December, Iberia continued its capacity adjustments to respond to the weak demand, affected by the adverse economic situation. Total capacity -measured in available seat kilometres (ASK)- decreased by 5.7% and traffic dropped by 7.0%. Load factor stood at 76.0%, 1.1 points down on last year.
La compañía Iberia ha presentado una demanda contra el sindicato Sepla, contra la sección sindical del Sepla en Iberia y contra los 11 miembros de dicha sección sindical por los daños y perjuicios que la huelga de celo de los pilotos ha causado a la compañía aérea durante el mes de diciembre, y que ascienden […]
Iberia ha terminado la instrucción de diez expedientes a ocho comandantes y dos copilotos de la compañía por entender que su negligente comportamiento en el ejercicio de su actividad ha provocado un grave perjuicio a la compañía y a sus clientes.
Iberia ha gastado más de 5 millones de Euros solo en atender a los clientes afectados por la huelga de celo.
Um Business Class Passagieren auch auf innerspanischen Flügen noch mehr Komfort zu bieten, wird Iberia ab dem 1. Dezember 2008 den Mittelsitz in der Dreierreihe frei lassen. Dem Reisenden stehen so auch an Bord der Inlandsflüge noch mehr persönlicher Freiraum sowie zusätzliche Ablagemöglichkeiten zur Verfügung.
In response to the growing weakness in demand, Iberia carried out additional adjustments in the schedule that led to a capacity reduction of 7.7%.
Iberia is adding 10 new U.S. destinations to its network, after extending its code-sharing arrangements with American Airlines.
Iberia Maintenance is marking their tenth anniversary in the Chinese aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul industry with 3 celebration dinners in Guangzhou, Xiamen and Beijing.
Starting on January 15th, 2009, Iberia is to add a sixth weekly return flight between Madrid and Montevideo, enabling passengers to fly between Europe and Uruguay any day of the week except Thursdays. Iberia is the only European airline with direct flights to Uruguay.