Mehr zum Thema "Convent Place"

Main Street South Beautification Works – Convent Place Works


As part of the Government’s ongoing resurfacing programme, works will be undertaken at Convent Place as from 8.00 a.m. on Sunday 13 December 2009 to no later than 6.00 pm and subsequently as from 7.00pm on Monday 14 December 2009 for a period not exceeding 6 hours.

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Main Street South Beautification Works – Area of Main Street between Convent Place and Governor’s Lane


As part of the Government’s ongoing programme for the refurbishment and beautification of the southern area of Main Street, works will be undertaken in the section of Main Street between Convent Place and Governor’s Lane as from 8.00 am on Saturday 22 August 2009 to no later than 6.00 a.m. on Monday 24 August 2009 […]

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