Mehr zum Thema "Boeing"

FAA Approves Boeing 787 Dreamliner Maintenance Program


Boeing announced that the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved the all-new 787 Dreamliner’s scheduled maintenance program.

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Boeing to Lead Southwest Airlines 737 Flight Deck Modernization


Boeing has been selected by Southwest Airlines as the lead integrator for the airline’s 737-300/-700 flight deck upgrade to incorporate advanced performance-based navigation capabilities.

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Boeing Director Gen. James Jones Resigns Board Seat


The Boeing Company board of directors accepted the resignation of retired Marine Corps Gen. James L. Jones, who earlier this month was named by U.S. President-elect Barack Obama to serve as his national security adviser.

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Austrian erweitert Angebot nach Tel Aviv um 30 Prozent und fliegt ab Mai 2009 mit Boeing 767


Das Verkehrsgebiet Naher Osten ist für Austrian Airlines eine wesentliche und starke Säule der Unternehmensstrategie. Die Strecke nach Tel Aviv zählt zu denjenigen Routen im Austrian Streckennetz, die sich durch einen sehr hohen Ladefaktor von mehr als 80% und große Nachfrage auszeichnen.

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Continental Airlines to Start New Year With Flight Powered by Sustainable Biofuels


Continental to be first carrier in the Americas to conduct biofuel flight in partnership with Boeing, GE Aviation, CFM International, and Honeywell’s UOP / Demonstration marks the continued evolution toward low-carbon-lifecycle fuels

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Continental Airlines startet mit Biotreibstoffflug ins neue Jahr


Als erste amerikanische Fluggesellschaft führt Continental in Zusammenarbeit mit Boeing, GE Aviation, CFM International und Honeywells UOP einen Biotreibstoffflug durch

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Continental Airlines schließt Installation des Audio/Video on Demand Systems auf allen Boeing 757-200 ab


An Bord aller Flugzeuge von Continental Airlines´ Boeing 757-200 Flotte genießen jetzt auch Economy Class Passagiere den Komfort eines Audio/Video on Demand (AVOD) Bordunterhaltungsprogramms.

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Flugzeugpremiere in Bremen: Erstmals landet eine B777 in Bremen


Am kommenden Montag erlebt Bremens Airport eine Flugzeugpremiere. Erstmals wird eine Boeing 777 in Bremen erwartet. Sie bringt die Fußballspieler vom FC Internazionale Milano zum Champions-League-Spiel in die Hansestadt.

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Boeing Engineering and Technical Employees Ratify Contracts


Boeing engineering and technical employees represented by the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) IFPTE Local 2001 ratified four-year collective bargaining agreements covering nearly 21,000 employees in Washington, Oregon, California and Utah.

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Boeing Completes Destructive Testing on 787 Dreamliner Wing Box


Boeing completed destructive testing on a full-scale composite wing box of the 787 Dreamliner, the first all-composite wing box ever built for a Boeing commercial airplane. This test is part of the certification process for the all-new jetliner.

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ANA einigt sich mit Boeing auf neuen Lieferplan für die B787


Auslieferung beginnt jetzt im August 2009 / B-767-Maschinen füllen die Lücke

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Boeing’s Agreement With SPEEA Provides Market-Competitive Pay and Benefits


The tentative agreement reached between Boeing and the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) offers market-competitive wages and improved benefits over the four-year duration of the proposed contracts.

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Boeing and SPEEA Reach Tentative Agreement on New Contracts


Boeing and the Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) IFPTE Local 2001 reached tentative agreement on new four-year contracts covering 21,000 engineers and technical workers.

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Qatar Airways trotzt der globalen Finanzkrise mit Flugzeugkauf


Airline sichert sich die Finanzierung von drei neuen Boeing-777-Maschinen

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Air New Zealand and Boeing Announce December Date for Sustainable Biofuels Test Flight


Partnership with Rolls-Royce and UOP highlights the path to fuel certification

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Gute Perspektiven: SunExpress verjüngt und erweitert die Flotte


2009 betreibt die Tochter von Lufthansa und Turklish Airlines 20 Boeing 737-800

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Uzbekistan Airways Announce Order of Four 767s


Boeing and Uzbekistan Airways have finalized an order for four 767-300ER (Extended Range) airplanes.

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Boeing Employee Harvest Yields Nearly 2 Million Meals for the Less Fortunate


Three area food distributors recently accepted donations of nearly $400,000 from The Boeing Company, Boeing employees and the Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound.

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Air China Cargo Orders 747-400 Boeing Converted Freighters


Boeing and Air China Cargo announced that the carrier will add three 747-400 Boeing Converted Freighters (BCF) to its cargo fleet.

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