Seychelles named one of the Developing World‘s 10 Best Ethical Destinations

18 Jan 2010 [11:35h]     Bookmark and Share

Seychelles named one of the Developing World‘s 10 Best Ethical Destinations

Seychelles named one of the Developing World‘s 10 Best Ethical Destinations

The Seychelles Islands has been named as one of the top 10 Best Ethical Destinations of the developing world by Ethical traveller, a project of ‘Earth Island Institute’ based in San Francisco.

Mahe – Ethical Traveller’s aim is to unite all parties of the tourism industry with the purpose of strengthening human rights and protecting the environment.
The top 10 destinations are chosen through a yearly study of the world’s developing nations, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe by Ethical Traveller.  The research is focused on three general categories – Environmental Protection, Social Welfare and Human Rights – looking at past and present information to understand the current state of a country, as well as its forward path.
According to the Ethical Traveller report, Seychelles has qualified as one of top 10 ethical destinations for highly being recognised for its environment protection measures.
“Impressive efforts are being demonstrated in the Seychelles, now considered a world leader in sustainable tourism,” states Ethical Traveller, adding: “The country holds a record for the highest percentage of land under natural conservation – nearly 50% of the total land area of the Republic of Seychelles.”
Other countries who made it onto the 2009/2010 list of the developing world’s 10 top ethical destinations include Argentina, Belize, Chile, Ghana, Lithuania, Namibia, Poland, South Africa and Suriname.
Ethical Traveller encourages travellers to refer to its list of the top ethical destinations when planning their 2010 holiday.
“By visiting the countries mentioned here, we vote with our wings, sending a signal that travellers are aware where their money is going, and willing to support nations that care about the environment, human rights and the global community.”
Picture: Carstino Delmonte/


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