16 Feb. 2007 [09:14h]     Bookmark and Share

SYDNEY – Qantas today that it would operate four non-stop weekly return services between Australia and Queenstown for the New Zealand ski season.

SYDNEY – Qantas today announced that it would operate four non-stop weekly return services between Australia and Queenstown for the New Zealand ski season.

Qantas Group General Manager Sales and Distribution Mr Rob Gurney said in addition to the
year round Sydney – Queenstown service, two return services would operate from Sydney as
well as one each from Melbourne and Brisbane.

“Qantas has served Queenstown since 2002 when we began ski season services from both Sydney and Brisbane,” Mr Gurney said. “Flights from Sydney were increased to three times a week in 2005 and last year we added a direct Melbourne service.

“These seasonal services reflect the continued popularity of the surrounding ski fields to
Australians and provide a huge boost to the Queenstown economy. “For Otago and Southland residents, the flights also provide greater options for flying directly to Australia.

“All flights will be serviced by Qantas’ fleet of two-class, 168 seat, Boeing 737-800 aircraft.”
From 30 June 2007 to 30 September 2007 Qantas’ schedule of direct flights between Australia and Queenstown will be:
– Sydney – Queenstown – Sydney Tuesday, Friday, Saturday
– Brisbane – Queenstown – Brisbane Saturday
– Melbourne – Queenstown – Melbourne Sunday
The Qantas Group currently operates nearly 200 flights each week between Australia and New


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