Main Street South Beautification Works – Convent Place Works

12 Dez. 2009 [11:48h]     Bookmark and Share

As part of the Government’s ongoing resurfacing programme, works will be
undertaken at Convent Place as from 8.00 a.m. on Sunday 13 December 2009 to no
later than 6.00 pm and subsequently as from 7.00pm on Monday 14 December 2009
for a period not exceeding 6 hours.

Gibraltar, – whilst works are in progress, vehicular traffic
travelling along Town Range on reaching the junction of Convent Place will be
diverted southbound to King Yards Lane, where they will continue northbound along
Main Street. Appropriate signage for the guidance of drivers will be displayed in the area of the works.

The Government would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the general public
for any inconvenience that these works may cause to them.


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