Main Street South Beautification Works – Area of Main Street between Convent Place and Governor’s Lane

21 Aug. 2009 [13:31h]     Bookmark and Share

As part of the Government’s ongoing programme for the refurbishment and beautification of the southern area of Main Street, works will be undertaken in the section of Main Street between Convent Place and Governor’s Lane as from 8.00 am on Saturday 22 August 2009 to no later than 6.00 a.m. on Monday 24 August 2009 and subsequently throughout several consecutive weekends, when the same arrangements will be in place.

During this time access to Main Street south will be closed off to traffic. Restricted access will be available for residents of the area up to Convent Place. Vehicular traffic travelling southbound along Governor’s Street will have no access to Convent Place but will be diverted to Kings Yard Lane from where vehicles will be required to cross Main Street south into Convent Ramp in order to access Line Wall Road southbound along the rear of the John Mackintosh Hall.

In addition, as from 2.00 p.m. on Saturday 22 August 2009 traffic travelling along Governor’s Street wishing to travel in a northbound direction will be diverted along George’s Lane and Cathedral Square in order to access Line Wall Road. The public is also informed that the bus service along Main Street and Line Wall Road in a northbound direction will be replaced by a northbound route along Queensway. Bus stops for this service will be located at Trafalgar Hill, Reclamation Road by English Steps and at the Market Place. Information signs will be placed at the existing bus stops to inform members of the public accordingly. Appropriate signage will be displayed in the vicinity of the works for the guidance of drivers and pedestrians.


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