Iberia to maintain components of Aurora Airlines MD-80 fleet

10 Apr. 2008 [09:17h]     Bookmark and Share

Iberia to maintain components of Aurora Airlines MD-80 fleet

Iberia to maintain components of Aurora Airlines MD-80 fleet

Follows recent maintenance contracts signed with Pluna, Privilege, Conviasa, ST Aerospace, Iberworld, Olympic Airways, Air Comet, among others / Contract expires in December 2011

Madrid – Iberia has signed a contract with Slovenia’s Aurora Airlines to inspect, maintain, and repair components of its MD-80 fleet at Iberia’s maintenance installations in Madrid. The contract will remain in force until December 2011.

This is the latest in a flurry of new contracts won by Iberia’s maintenance division. In recent weeks it has signed with Eurofly-Meridiana, Pluna, Privilege, ST Aerospace, Conviasa, Iberworld, Air Comet and Olympic Airways, to name only a few.

Aurora Airlines is based in the Slovenian capital, Ljubljana. Its own fleet now consists of three aircraft, but is to be expanded to five before this summer.

Iberia Maintenance has long and varied experience in the maintenance of airframes, engines, and components. In addition to the Iberia Group, it serves more than 100 airlines and other clients, and today is the world’s ninth-largest maintenance company, and leader in southern Europe.

In 2007, Iberia Maintenance carried out a total of 1,273 aircraft inspections, including 1,002 „A“ type inspections, 244 „C“ type, and 27 „D“ type. It also performed maintenance work on 145 engines and 34 APUs (auxiliary power units). Under the 2006-2008 strategic plan, the division is working to double its revenues from outside clients, with an emphasis on engine and component maintenance and other high added-value tasks.

Foto: Touristikpresse.net

  • Palma.guide

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