21 Sep 2006 [10:01h]     Bookmark and Share

Gulf Air has joined hands with the Regional Institute for Active learning (RIA), Bahrain, to celebrate International Day of Peace, being observed worldwide on 21 September.

The airline will be displaying the peace message, ‚Peace! One Day at a Time, painted on cloth with palm prints by children with special needs at the RIA along with supporting banners in its Bahrain lounge and check-in counters on the day.
„It is a small gesture, which we believe will go a long way in getting the message across,“ says Gulf Air Vice President Marketing and Sales Lee Shave.
„The youngsters’ imprints and the message, Peace! One Day at a Time,‘ confirm the importance of peace and unity in the world.“
Last year, on the day, Gulf Air carried giant doves of peace on its flights, which were made by the RIA students.
„We are very thankful to Gulf Air for its support in this cause,“ says RIA Principal Christine Hasan.
„In these troubled times, this message is very relevant, especially when spread through children. It is like the children saying, ‚please let us have a peaceful world.‘
The United Nations (UN) formally established an annual day of global ceasefire and non-violence, which was named the UN International Day of Peace, fixed in the global calendar on 21 September. All sectors of society are encouraged to honour and celebrate the Day.
RIA, established in 1999 as a non-profit organisation, caters to the needs of students with communication disorders and, the RIA Centre has been promoting and spreading the concept of peaceful co-existence and respect as one of its basic tenets. The centre engages students, at a very young age, in community as well as school based peace projects.


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