GOL Elects Paulo Kakinoff as New Independent Board Member

07 Jan. 2010 [13:43h]     Bookmark and Share

GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. (BM&FBOVESPA: GOLL4 and NYSE: GOL), the largest low-cost and low-fare airline in Latin America, announces the election of Paulo Kakinoff as the newest member of its Board of Directors. The election took place today at an extraordinary meeting of GOL shareholders.

São Paulo – Paulo Kakinoff, 35, is currently CEO of Audi Brasil and has 17 years of experience in the auto industry, having served as Sales & Marketing Director at Volkswagen do Brasil and as Executive Director for South America at the Volkswagen Group’s head offices in Germany. Kakinoff holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Mackenzie University.

„I am honored to be part of this board, because I have always seen GOL as one of the best companies in terms of brand building. My main objective is to help ensure that GOL continues to stand out in the market for the quality of its services,“ said the new board member.

„GOL will benefit enormously from Kakinoff’s expertise in the consumption sector, especially in the middle class, which is our main focus,“ said Constantino de Oliveira Junior, GOL’s CEO.

GOL’s Board of Directors, which is currently composed of nine members (four of whom are independent members, including the chairman), is responsible for establishing the company’s strategic policies and general guidelines. The Board’s responsibilities include electing the members of the executive board and overseeing the exercise of their functions. GOL outstands in corporate governance with its compliance with Bovespa Level 2 practices, whereby at least 20% (twenty percent) of its Board of Directors must be composed of independent members.

  • Palma.guide

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