Gibraltar: New Road to North Front– Devil’s Tower Road Works

22 Mai 2009 [15:02h]     Bookmark and Share

As part of the Government’s ongoing traffic circulation improvement programme works will be undertaken to Devil’s Tower Road. The current road will be converted into a dual carriageway thus providing a link between the new frontier road and Winston Churchill Avenue.

The eastern end of Devil’s Tower Road will be re-aligned to tie in with the new roundabout that will be constructed adjacent to Eastern Beach junction. The project will include the construction of new footpaths and central reservation, as well as the provision of new lighting and street furniture, all of which will serve to improve the aesthetics of the area.

Works will be undertaken in stages with the first phase starting as from 08.00 hrs on Tuesday 26 May 2009. All traffic flows will be maintained whilst the works are in progress. Portable temporary road works traffic signs will be placed to inform pedestrians and to direct drivers accordingly.

Drivers are urged to take care whilst driving along the proximity of the works.


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