“El País” highlights culture in Lisboa

18 März 2009 [17:10h]     Bookmark and Share

“El País” highlights culture in Lisboa

“El País” highlights culture in Lisboa

The cultural and leisure events to be held in Lisboa during 2009 as well as some of the city’s landmarks are a few of the highlights in an article published in the prestigious Spanish publication „El País“.

Written by journalist Isidoro Merino and published in the „El Viajero“ supplement of „El País“ of January 31, the article highlights several events that will be held in Lisboa such as the Portuguese Experimenta Design biennial in September, a meeting point for creatives and other sector professionals. Other events include the temporary exhibits at the Berardo Collection Museum, which in 2008 hosted half a million visitors, „CCB Fora de Si“ Festival held in the summer at Belém Cultural Centre and a visit to the Oriente Museum. The guide is entitled „La Lisboa suave de Truffaut“, portraying the city as seen from the viewpoint of filmmakers who have already filmed in the Portuguese capital, such as the Frenchman François Truffaut („La piel suave“, in 1964). Jorge Gorostiza, author of the guide is an architect and film researcher.

Photo: Turismo de Lisboa

  • Palma.guide

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