Delta Rings in New Year with Fare Sale for Customers in Nearly 300 U.S. Cities

08 Jan. 2009 [19:31h]     Bookmark and Share

Sale from nation’s biggest airline spreads from coast to coast

Atlanta – Delta Air Lines is inviting customers from coast to coast to enjoy special low fares for travel this winter and spring. The airline has launched fare sales in nearly 300 U.S. cities across the United States and Canada, including flights from its hubs in Atlanta, Cincinnati, Detroit, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Memphis, New York and Salt Lake City. Tickets at the special sale prices are available at, or other ticketing channels through Jan. 16, 2009.

Delta’s special fares include service operated by Delta and its wholly owned subsidiary Northwest Airlines. Sample fares for travel through March 4, 2009 are listed below. Discounted fares for travel on these and other routes also are available through April 30, though rates for travel beyond March 4 could be higher. More information, Delta’s lowest fare guarantee and fee-free ticketing are available at and


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