Delta Air Lines Reports January Traffic

06 Feb. 2009 [13:15h]     Bookmark and Share

Delta Air Lines today reported January 2009 traffic results for both Delta and Northwest operating units.

Atlanta – Delta: Delta’s system traffic in January 2009 decreased 2.2 percent versus January 2008 on a capacity decrease of 1.9 percent. Delta’s system load factor decreased 0.3 points to 75.1 percent.

International traffic increased 6.6 percent year over year on an 11.3 percent increase in capacity, and load factor declined 3.2 points. Domestic traffic decreased 6.7 percent year over year on 8.5 percent lower capacity. Domestic load factor increased 1.5 points to 76.4 percent, higher than any previous January on record.

Northwest: Northwest’s system traffic in January 2009 decreased 8.2 percent on a capacity decrease of 6.4 percent. Northwest’s system load factor decreased 1.5 points to 77.8 percent.

International traffic decreased 5.7 percent year over year on a 2.4 percent decrease in capacity, and load factor declined 2.8 points. Domestic traffic decreased 10.0 percent year over year on a 9.0 percent decrease in capacity, and load factor decreased 0.8 points to 76.8 percent.


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