dba flight operations to be discontinued

30 Okt. 2008 [16:30h]     Bookmark and Share

dba flight operations to be discontinued

dba flight operations to be discontinued

Having wound up the administrative and technical sections and trans-ferred their functions to other group companies, Air Berlin, the parent company, is now planning to discontinue dba’s flight operations from 30th November 2008.

The 120 pilots and 175 flight attendants are to be offered comparable jobs within the group and at their current loca-tions. A redundancy scheme is being prepared for those dba em-ployees who do not want to accept such offers. Ongoing discussions, also involving staff representatives, are currently being held with the unions concerned. dba currently operates nine aircraft independently. Three older Boeing 737-300s are to be retired from service in No-vember 2008 as planned.

Photo: Air Berlin

  • Palma.guide

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