Brasil: GOL Announces Commercial Agreement with Passaredo Linhas Aéreas

21 Dez. 2010 [14:32h]     Bookmark and Share

Brasil: GOL Announces Commercial Agreement with Passaredo Linhas Aéreas

Brasil: GOL Announces Commercial Agreement with Passaredo Linhas Aéreas

GOL adds six cities to its route network with Passaredo’s routes, which will be available in its sale channels

São Paulo – GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes S.A. (BM&FBovespa: GOLL4 and NYSE: GOL) (S&P/Fitch: BB-/BB-, Moody`s: Ba3), the largest low-cost and low-fare airline in Latin America, has signed a commercial agreement to sell, in all its sales channels, tickets of  Passaredo Linhas Aéreas, a Brazilian domestic airline that recorded growth of 130.89% last year.

Picture: Edgar Delmont


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