18 Aug 2009 [07:58h]     Bookmark and Share

Arrow Cargo, a Miami-based freighter operator covering the whole of
Central and South America, has appointed Unitpool to secure its ULD supply and management requirements.

ZurichWorking with Unitpool will provide Arrow with the flexibility and reliability that it needs to

secure the commitments of its scheduled and charter operations, and to focus on its growth plans

outside of South America.

Unitpool’s Commercial Director, Lou Cordoba, commented: “We are pleased to welcome Arrow Cargo

to our group of pooling customers. ULD management for cargo operations is high in complexity, and

we are certain that our experience working with AirBridgeCargo, Etihad’s freighter operation and

returning customer Cargoitalia, will allow us to provide Arrow’s growing operation with the support and

dedication that it needs. It is also a welcomed opportunity for Unitpool to strengthen its network in

Latin America.”

“Appointing Unitpool ensures that we will benefit from the flexibility and cost effectiveness of paying for

airworthy ULDs as we need them to secure our expansion plans. We look forward to working with

Unitpool and becoming a member of their growing pool”, said Chris Negele, Director of Safety at Arrow


The agreement, which includes the acquisition of the Arrow’s ULDs, full management services,

repairs, procurement and integration within Unitpool’s R7 fleet, will commence September 1st, 2009.

About Arrow Cargo

Arrow Cargo is a Miami-based freighter operator serving Central, South America and the Caribbean,

with a fleet of DC-10, MD-11 and 757 cargo aircrafts, committed to providing the highest level of

service available in the heavy freight logistics industry. By providing our employees, clients, vendors

and government agencies with the most positive and productive environment possible, Arrow

articulates its message by continually striving to set new standards and achieving what conventional

wisdom has deemed not possible. In June 2008, Mattlin Patterson Partners acquired a controlling

interest in the company.

For more information on Arrow Cargo visit

About Unitpool

Unitpool is a Swiss-based asset management company that specializes in supplying and managing a

fleet of 22’000 Unit Load Devices (ULD), across more than 250 airports, for a group of 24 member

airlines. Unitpool remains the only company to offer airlines a fully managed ULD pooling solution.

The company has access to the capital, a global network of suppliers (for repairs and maintenance,

logistics and procurement) and with a team of professional staff and a tailor-made ULD management

system, the expertise to manage a mission critical activity for its member airlines. Unitpool currently

employs 54 staff, most of which are based in the company’s 24/7, Bangkok Operations Centre, and in

the field managing the ULD pools at critical stations around the globe. Unitpool was acquired by

Aviation Services Holdings in October 2007, a company owned by private investors represented by

the Afinum Group and a group of influential aviation investors.

For more information on Unitpool visit


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