Air France KLM JULY 2009 TRAFFIC

10 Aug. 2009 [10:05h]     Bookmark and Share

Passenger:0.7 point rise in load factor to 85.1% thanks to a limited decline in traffic (-3.3%)
Cargo: Stabilization of the decline in traffic and progressive adjustment of capacity to

Passenger business

The decline in traffic in July was limited to 3.3%, after a drop of 5.8% in the First Quarter. Capacity,

meanwhile, was reduced by 4.1%, leading to a 0.7 point improvement in load factor to 85.1%. The group

carried 6.9 million passengers (-4.5%). The deterioration in unit revenues was slightly less pronounced

than in previous months.

– On the Americas network, traffic declined by 4.3% with capacity down by 5.9%. The load factor rose

1.5 points to 89.9%.

– The Asia network improved slightly relative to previous months with a 5.5% decline in traffic, less than

the reduction in capacity of 6.2%. The load factor improved slightly to 87.8% (+0.7points).

– On the Africa and Middle East network, traffic progressed by 3.3% with capacity up by 4.3%. The load

factor fell 0.8 points to 85.1%.

– Traffic on the Caribbean and Indian Ocean network declined 1.0% with capacity down 0.5%. The load

factor stood at 82.4%, down 0.4 points.

– On the European network, the decline in traffic of 4.8% was below that of capacity (-6.0%). The load factor

improved slightly to 76.7% (+1.0 point).

Cargo business

Traffic and capacity data for July 2008 are proforma including Martinair.

The decline in traffic (-17.2%) was in line with that of capacity (-17.0%) leading to a stable load factor of

64%. This data confirms the trend towards a stabilization in the cargo activity, with a progressive

adjustment of capacity to demand.


Passenger activity (in millions)

July Cumulative

Total Group                                         2009        2008        Change  2009-10                 2008-09 Change

Passagers carried (000s)                    6,876       7,200       (4.5%)     25,579     27,133     (5.7%)

Revenue pax-kilometers (RPK)          19,453     20,122     (3.3%)     69,920     73,671     (5.1%)

Available seat-kilometers (ASK)          22,861     23,850     (4.1%)     86,438     90,591     (4.6%)

Load factor (%)                                    85.1%     84.4%     0.7           80.9%     81.3%     (0.4)

Europe (including France)

Passagers carried (000s)                    4,680       4,952       (5.5%)     17,771     18,999     (6.5%)

Revenue pax-kilometers (RPK)          3,869       4,062       (4.8%)     14,404     15,236     (5.5%)

Available seat-kilometers (ASK)          5,047       5,371       (6.0%)     19,874     20,780     (4.4%)

Load factor (%)                                    76.7%     75.6%     1.0           72.5%     73.3%     (0.8)


Passagers carried (000s)                    919          959          (4.2%)     3,253       3,428      (5.1%)

Revenue pax-kilometers (RPK)          6,799       7,106       (4.3%)     24,064     25,460     (5.5%)

Available seat-kilometers (ASK)          7,560       8,037       (5.9%)     27,882     29,771     (6.3%)

Load factor (%)                                    89.9%     88.4%     1.5           86.3%     85.5%     0.8

Asia / Pacific

Passagers carried (000s)                    473          502          (5.8%)     1,742       1,902       (8.4%)

Revenue pax-kilometers (RPK)          4,099       4,335       (5.5%)     15,018     16,424     (8.6%)

Available seat-kilometers (ASK)          4,671       4,980       (6.2%)     17,972     19,352     (7.1%)

Load factor (%)                                    87.8%     87.1%     0.7           83.6%     84.9%     (1.3)

Africa / Middle East

Passagers carried (000s)                    526          509          3.3%       1,847       1,810       2.0%

Revenue pax-kilometers (RPK)          2,754       2,666       3.3%       9,633       9,469       1.7%

Available seat-kilometers (ASK)          3,238       3,105       4.3%       12,267     11,823     3.7%

Load factor (%)                                    85.1% 85.9% (0.8) 78.5% 80.1% (1.6)

Caribbean / Indian Ocean

Passagers carried (000s)                    277          278          (0.4%)     965          993         (2.8%)

Revenue pax-kilometers (RPK)          1,933       1,953       (1.0%)     6,801       7,082       (4.0%)

Available seat-kilometers (ASK)          2,345       2,357       (0.5%)     8,444       8,865       (4.8%)

Load factor (%)                                    82.4%     82.8%    (0.4)        80.5%     79.9%     0.7

Cargo activity (in millions)

July Cumulative

Total Group                                         2009        2008*      Change 2009-10 2008-09*                 Change

Revenue tonne-km (RTK)                   961          1,161       (17.2%)   3,702       4,659       (20.5%)

Available tonne-km (ATK)                   1,502       1,810       (17.0%)   5,840      7,010      (16.7%)

Load factor (%)                                    64.0%     64.1%     (0.1)        63.4%    66.5%     (3.1)

Europe (including France)

Revenue tonne-km (RTK)                   6              7              (11.4%)  25           27            (8.7%)

Available tonne-km (ATK)                   45            51            (11.0%)   177          199          (11.0%)

Load factor (%)                                     13.9%     13.9%     (0.1)        14.0%     13.7%     0.4


Revenue tonne-km (RTK)                   352          406         (13.4%)   1,373       1,629       (15.7%)

Available tonne-km (ATK)                   569          643          (11.5%)   2,220       2,459       (9.7%)

Load factor (%)                                    61.8%     63.1%     (1.3)        61.8%    66.3%     (4.4)

Asia / Pacific

Revenue tonne-km (RTK)                   420          561          (25.2%)   1,553       2,212       (29.8%)

Available tonne-km (ATK)                   548          794          (31.0%)   2,114       3,062       (31.0%)

Load factor (%)                                    76.5%     70.7%     5.9           73.5%     72.2%     1.2

Africa / Middle East

Revenue tonne-km (RTK)                   147          143          2.2%      587         599          (2.1%)

Available tonne-km (ATK)                   237          221          7.0%       945          899          5.1%

Load factor (%)                                    61.9%     64.8%     (2.9)        62.1%    66.7%     (4.6)

Caribbean / Indian Ocean

Revenue tonne-km (RTK)                   37            43            (14.9%)   165          192          (13.9%)

Available tonne-km (ATK)                   102          101          1.3%       385         392          (1.9%)    

Load factor (%)                                    35.9%     42.7%     (6.8)        42.9%     48.9%     (6.0)       

* Including Martinair


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