Air Berlin: More passengers in August

07 Sep. 2010 [17:26h]     Bookmark and Share

Air Berlin: More passengers in August

Air Berlin: More passengers in August

In August 2010, Air Berlin, Germany’s second-largest airline company,
transported 3,726,913 passengers, i.e. an increase of 8.7 percent

August – In August 2010, Air Berlin, Germany’s second-largest airline company, transported 3,726,913 passengers, i.e. an increase of 8.7 percent (August 2009: 3,428,729 passengers, including those traveling on the acquired NIKI and TUIfly routes). Fleet capacity utilization decreased by 0.8 percentage points, i.e. from 84.3 to 83.5 percent.

For the period from January to August 2010, a total of 21,655,869 passengers traveled on Air Berlin’s flight route network (including the acquired NIKI and TUIfly routes), i.e. 1.9 percent more than in the corresponding period of the previous year (2009: 21,246,082 passengers). Fleet capacity utilization for the first eight months of the year decreased by 1.8 percentage points, i.e. from 77.5 to 75.7 percent. Accumulated capacity for the January to August 2010 period increased by 4.4 percent.

August 2010 August 2010, accumulated Capacity 4,465,535 Capacity 28,627,776
Number of passengers 3,726,913 Number of passengers 21,655,869
Capacity utilization rate in % 83.5 C a p a c i t y utilization rate in % 75.7

Picture: Carstino Delmonte/


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