787 Dreamliner Fatigue Airframe Departs Factory

23 Juni 2008 [07:45h]     Bookmark and Share

787 Dreamliner Fatigue Airframe Departs Factory

787 Dreamliner Fatigue Airframe Departs Factory

Boeing moved the 787 Dreamliner designated for fatigue testing from the final assembly factory in Everett, Wash., to another production bay at the facility, where assembly work will continue.

Everett, Washingotn – The move paves the way for the second flight-test airplane to advance to the next position in the production line today. The first Dreamliner remains in the nose-to-door position and the third flight-test airplane is in the first position. It will remain there until the fourth flight-test airplane is ready for assembly to begin later this month.

Photo: Boeing

  • Palma.guide

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